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Monday, April 20, 2009

A New House?

The last week has been a blur. The biggest decisions are facing us and my stomach is a knot of gurgling anxiety this morning. To be brief, we decided a week ago that all fingers were pointing toward purchasing our first house. In a flurry we met with the mortgage broker, searched the town over with our new realtor and on Friday decided on a house we both loved. Negotiations took place over the weekend and today is the day to sign the papers. We had our moments of cheering and hugging and planning. Then the anxiety hit my husband and I don't know what to do. Is it a sign from God or the normal reaction to being the sole provider in a household and fearing the "what ifs"?
What if:
-his job transfers him in 6 months and we have to resell too soon?
-we can't resell and we're stuck with a mortgage and rent somewhere else?
-the housing market continues to decline and we lose a ton of money?
-we're paying more than we should for the neighborhood it's in?
-we don't buy and continue to rent only to be here for 3 more years and lose out on a huge opportunity?
For some reason, I have had peace and have not felt this anxiety. I am aware these questions loom, but I don't fear them. I don't know if it is because of my personality that LOVES to dive headfirst into things without thinking things through, or if it is God given peace. I hope it is the latter!
Update: We signed the papers this morning so as long as the inspection goes through, the house is ours!


Loren said...

So happy for you! Buying is always a better investment than renting.I have this new quote that I've been repeating to myself: "If not now, when?" Best wishes! -Loren

laurel said...

How exciting!! Where is the house?

Nancy said...

Congratulations! I'm with you dive in and see what happens...but I also have a Patrias and I know exactly what you mean...I feel your pain. Love Nancy