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Monday, July 20, 2009

Kitchen Remodeling

As many of you may have noticed, I have been slightly MIA lately. We moved into our house, and then a lot of things happened all at once. We started remodeling the house and in the middle of tearing down wallpaper in our dining room we received a call from my parents informing me of my brother-in-law's brain tumor.
David remains so amazingly positive, and I read his blog to be UPLIFTED which I think is incredible. summarizes his condition better than I ever could. He starts his treatment very soon if he has not already. Please keep him and my sister Amy in your prayers! Thank you.
So, the day before I left to go be with my sister and brother-in-law in Minnesota I found out some interesting news. Yes, baby number 3 is on the way and I am due February 16th. Thankfully, this wretched morning sickness did not kick in until I returned from Minnesota. I am just starting my 11th week. I have been so sick but am hoping it will start to get better soon, so that I can be a better mother again. Will's new favorite question is, "and you're gonna throw up?"
Now, in the midst of all this "throwing up" we have been remodeling our kitchen. I thought I would post some "before" and "during" pics. I will post "after" pics when it is completed.
Here is the kitchen before. We just finished tearing down the wallpaper, replacing all the appliances, replacing countertops and replacing the hardware. Yes, I helped.
Here's an upclose of the granite we chose. Chris Yaughn (Yaughn Countertops) did a great job with the counters. I could not be happier! You can see where we still need to tile the backsplash.
My new sink and faucet make me so happy.

It has been hard to steam down the wallpaper without bringing a little drywall with it. Oops.

It is coming together though and even though my walls look atrocious at the moment the kitchen is so much prettier already.

Here is my new stovetop range. We had to modify the cabinets to put this in. We have purchased a wine chiller to put in the hole where the old oven was.

Now I just can't wait for the painting to begin!


Brandy said...

Oh wow! I can't wait to see it in person. Have you nailed down a color?

Shell in your Pocket said...

Oh how pretty!! The countertops are so pretty.

Congrats on # 3....I loved easy...I knew what to do...she just flowed right in the family! Hope you feel better soon!

sandy toe

Laban Paul said...

If you have any more pics, and tips and tricks for how you did that I would love to hear them!!!

Loren said...

Really beautiful!