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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Running Away

"Will, get back up to the table right now!"
"Mommy, I say you can't yell at me or I'm gonna run away!" Did my TWO year old just threaten to run away????
"Did you just say you are going to run away?"
"Yes, I am gonna run away!"
"Where are you going to go?"
"I am going to go to the living room so I can hide!"

Okay, phew. At least he isn't packing a bag yet. I remember the time my sister Lisa decided to run away. She was probably 3 or 4. She packed her suitcase, stormed out the front door, and made it to the neighbors yard before she decided to head back home. Short trip. My mom was waiting for her at the door and when she checked to see what Lisa had packed in that little suitcase of hers she found only several pairs of one item....Underwear. Apparently, my sister knew what was most important in life. Clean underwear.

So, Will isn't quite to the point of leaving the house in his frustration at me, but this morning I had a glimpse of what is inevitable. His strong little will is most assuredly going to result in him packing a suitcase one day and leaving me a nasty note to let me know how he feels. I did this to my mom at age 9 and fully intended to leave the house in the dark on my bike until my 2 year old brother stopped me. He called my name right as I headed down the driveway and my mom realized what was going on. Thank God for His intervention. I shudder to think what might have happened.
Today was one of "those" types of mornings. I felt irritable and PMSey and Will was definately pushing my buttons. I hope to never really nag at my children so much that they really do want to run away from me, even if it is just to the other room. It was a little wake-up call and I had to do an attitude adjustment. Needless to say, the rest of the day went great and I had a good laugh over the incident.

1 comment:

Amy Wenzel said...

It's like a right of passage to run away as a kid. I hope he decides to do it when I'm visiting so that I can open up his suitcase and find nothing but cookies. hahaha.