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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Gradually Moving

I have been sucked into the moving vaccuum. I wonder when if I will come out unscathed. I am not sure where we live right now and neither does my 2 year old. We are somewhere in the middle. Packing the current house, closing on the new house, painting rooms, and moving pieces of our current life into our new life has been all consuming.. I am really tired tonight after painting all day and all evening. What a fantastic workout! I think I may have burned off a few pounds of fat just today, which would be really exciting! Maybe I will burn a few more pounds off tomorrow. I swear, if I worked this physically hard everyday I would be as thin as Gwyneth Paltrow in no time!
The thought occurred to me today how "virtual" our life is in this day and age. Our lives just do not require the physical labor that our bodies were intended for, thus the majority of us are overweight or out of shape. Instead of getting a workout by milking Bessie, washing the laundry on a scrubbing board, kneading bread, planting a field, etc...we have to create exercises to "work us out" or hire a trainer to get us in shape. Then, because our husbands are so bored with lack of adventure, danger, threat, or conquest we sit down and watch shows such as"24" on television to simulate action packed adventure. It is kind of funny when you think about it. I do like my virtual reality that poses no real danger to me or my family. And I am not exactly ready to give up my washer or dryer just with the hopes of getting in shape. Although it could be a very successful diet plan for people! Maybe I could write a book. I guess I will just have to keep going to the gym a little longer.....AFTER the move.

1 comment:

John Leavell said...

I feel your pain with moving, hang in there all that hard work painting and such, it will pay off in dividends. So true Angie about our virtual age of laziness, and manufacturing weight loss, if only we could live like Ma Ingalls. Jenn (Gozdan) Leavell