I realized something about myself this week. I seem to be really great at coming up with brilliant ideas but really bad at following things all the way through to the end. I sort of get ahead of myself. I have about 6 projects waiting for me to complete them. That's exhausting me just to type.
My biggest disaster of yet was my strawberry jam. Lets just say it didn't turn out as pretty as the picture. My first batch of 3 jars turned out perfectly. I made them with the regular sure-jell the day I picked my berries. The other 8 jars I made with "reduced sugar" sure-jell. I am sure it would have turned out fine if I had READ THE DIRECTIONS before I got started. I mixed the sugar into the berries instead of cooking it on the stove with the sure-jell. And, sure enough, my jam did not set. I kept waiting an extra day to give it more time to set. And then I sort of forgot I had 8 jars sitting on my dining room table. And then, I remembered and thought I should dump it all into a pan and try to cook it to help it set. How many days had it been since I made the jam? Maybe 5. I opened up a jar and phew!! Rancid! So, now I have 8 jars of fermented strawberry jam sitting on my dining room table that I don't have the heart to pour down the drain. Would someone please come help me?
I think I am going to go pick strawberries again tomorrow.
I give you credit for making homemade jam. I usually just buy it in the supermarket.
Oh, Angela, how disheartening. I did something similar last year with the reduced sugar Sure-Jell. Jam can be finicky stuff. I am sorry you had to go through all that work.
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