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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hodge Podge Procrastination

I am so excited to move but in an effort to put off packing, I have been piling many different unnecessary projects on myself and enjoying them all thoroughly. Most project ideas stem from my excitement about redecorating things at the new house.
Today, though, I felt a little overwhelmed about finishing things I have started, so I stopped in the afternoon and gave into a craving. Nothing like chocolate brownies in the afternoon to reenergize you when you are overworking yourself. Not a better food to throw you off your diet either. Ghiradelli brownies are, I believe, the best brownie mix in the world. I ate half a row and could throw-up now, but my chocolate craving is satisfyingly under control for the moment. I probably will end up indulging myself again until I am sick with my husband tonight while watching American Idol results show! Go Adam!

Here is a sampling of what has been keeping me so busy lately that I haven't even had time for my most favorite thing....blogging!
Despite the dread I feel toward packing, we did end up organizing and packing part of the garage last weekend. Natalie took advantage of the situation. She likes to entertain herself when we are outside working. I am not even sure what happened to her clothing. We don't usually make a practice of running around outside in a diaper at our house, but she sure did look cute. Maybe we should do this more often!

Natalie found and reached the kleenex box off her stand when she was supposed to be taking a nap. Boy, was that a mess to clean-up! Shredded tissues in every crevice of her crib and surrounding floor! I guess her runny nose was REALLY BOTHERING HER.

I just HAD to make a new wall hanging for Will's room. This was my first time with hand embroidery. Now I wish I had scripted his name! Oh, well. I think I am going to make and airplane and train to hang with this (ecause I need more projects). I am also going to buy ribbon to attach to the back and hang the picture from to add a little zing!

I am repainting bookshelves that were in our living room. They were white. They have been primed and are going to be painted bright blue tomorrow to go into Will's room at the new house. He has so many books they are bursting out of every drawer in his room, and he loves them all. He is so excited to have a bookcase to put them on! I am excited because our new living room has built in bookcases!

I also spent all day yesterday making a present for my nephew which I will have to reveal pictures of later lest my sister read this blog and see what I made. Tomorrow, I have a packing date with my friend Laura who is super organized. Maybe that will jumpstart my motivation! I think I am dreading it because I know I need to get rid of some stuff and I hate making those types of decisions. I would rather hold on to every unnecessary item in the world. I am the ultimate hoarder and procrastinator. I'll keep ya posted on how it goes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ghirardelli brownies are the best! That is the only mix I make anymore. And, I also indulged my hormonal chocolate craving yesterday with a batch of those! Too funny! Happy packing...
--Karen Gill