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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bootcamp from You Know Where!

Several of you have asked me how my workout, weight-loss, facial, fashion, 28 day extravaganza is going in my preparation for my trip to Los Angeles. Well, let me tell you, I am getting nervous as week number 1 just flew by leaving me with only 21 days to create the "new me". My workouts have been very consistent which is unusual for me. I feel I am seeing some great results already! The icecream at night, however, has not stopped which I think might be affecting my 2 pound a week weight loss goal!
This week has been slightly different since my baby Natalie had a 103 degree fever. I wasn't sure, but didn't think it would be the BEST idea to take her to the gym nursery. I thought a few mothers might not appreciate me too much, and my poor baby would have cried the entire time wondering why her insensitive mother just dropped her off to a perfect stranger when she felt so terrrible.
After being couped up at home for a few days, last night I decided to go try the "Bootcamp" class at my gym after Tom got home. Not the best idea I have had in a while. I learned something very valuable about myself in this "Bootcamp" class. I was enlightened to the fact that my psyche could NEVER have handled the MILITARY! I seriously almost walked out of this class because I felt like crying the whole time.
As the instructor yelled her instructions at us and then said, "YES?? YES??? NO??" (what does she mean by this anyway?) I felt my anxiety growing. And then she would start counting down when we were jump-roping, and heaven forbid you were too out of breath to count with her at an audible yell or she would make you go another minute until you could sputter out the numbers at a decible she could hear. We were doing those leg lifts you do on the floor that burn your buns and legs so bad like from "Buns of Steel" or something, and she would scream at us "DO NOT LOWER YOUR LEG TO THE FLOOR AND DO NOT STOP!!!!" "YES? YES? NO???" I was seriously afraid that if my muscle did give out and my leg fell to the floor that she would call my name out and make me do another 100 leg lifts. Shear FEAR drove me to complete every unbearable exercise. I wanted to get up and run out screaming NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I usually LOVE my workouts and the classes I attend. I guess I don't enjoy being motivated by fear. I just don't think I am massechistic enough to put my emotions through that again.

I will tell you what does motivate me to workout! Insults from my mother usually do the trick. She has tortured me with her innocent comments over the years. I knew I needed to start working out again, but the final straw was her response when I asked to borrow a sweater while visiting her over Christmas.
"Well, honey, its just that you are bigger than me now, and I am afraid you will stretch out my sweaters!" Because wool stretches really far and doesn't go back to it's original shape at all.
" DO WHAT????? Bigger than you???" Okay, I am still not over it. I have not been bigger than my mother since college when she was doing church aerobics and I had gained the freshman 15.
So, I finally convinced her to let me borrow this old sweater she had and when I came out to the kitchen with it on she said, "So, ummm, honey, do you LIKE the way that looks on you?"
"Yes, I do thank you!" If I didn't like it, would I be wearing it???
I joined the gym 2 weeks later and am determined to be so thin the next time she sees me that she says, "Honey, I just really don't like it when you get TOO thin! It worries me! I think your face looks better with a little meat on it. You know your face is long and your jaw is so pronounced when you get too thin!" Then I will know I have arrived at my ideal weight again!


Anonymous said...

How about when mom says I need a new swimsuit because last summer you stretched it out when you borrowed it from me. After you wore it that one time it was never the same. Don't you remember when you were kind of hippy after having your third child!!! AGGHH! It brought me back to age 17 when I was self-counciously trying on clothes in the dressing room and she told me I was shaped like a pear! Where does she get this stuff?

Brandy said...

The end of the post was hilarious, the comment from your sister? just as good!