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Monday, February 16, 2009

The Monogram

Monogram, monogram, monogram...A true southern belle loves everything monogrammed. I guess this is one way in which I do identify with my new southern sisters.
I never really noticed much in the way of monogramming before I moved to the south besides towels in the Pottery Barn catalog. Of course there was always the cheesy highschool letter jacket that was no longer in style in the awesome 1990's! Currently, in 2009, it seems to be a vital part of existance as a mom with style. Around every corner in our tiny town is a monogram shop. Some stores have made it the mainstay of their existance by offering to monogramm every overpriced item in their store for free, essentially saving you the $8.00-$10.00 cost of monogramming it anywhere else. This suddenly making shopping at their store very appealing! I find myself purusing there often.

Serious monogramming begins at a very early age. We are talking about every baby item you can think of such as monogrammed burp cloths, bibs, dresses and jon jons, blankets, diaper bags, onesies, t-shirts and crib bedding. It continues from there to monogrammed towels, beach bags, pillowcases, waterbottles, you name it. I absolutely love it.
I wonder why it is such a craze here and not everywhere else. Or has that changed in the past 3 years? Last winter, my sister, who resides in Michigan, was picking out new bedding for her girls. I suggested she monogram their pillowcases, but she had no idea where she could take their pillowcasesto be monogrammed. Such a sad state.
I remember being young and in 5th grade. My girlfriend wanted to start a "club" that only 3 of us would be part of. Our super plan was to buy matching cashmere sweaters and have our initials monogrammed on them. That would be our way of advertising we were in a special exclusive club. My mother banned the idea immediately explaining that we would hurt far too many other girl's feelings. Is that what monogramming is? Is it our way of advertising that we are unique and special and own it? Is it pretentious or just too cute? I cannot decide. Until I do, I guess I will continue to enjoy this perk of southern living...The Monogram.

1 comment:

laurel said...

Hmmm. Yes, I agree that monogramming is definitely a very southern thing. Maybe if I had a girl I would get lots of things monogrammed, but as it is, I only have a few monogrammed things, like a shower curtain. I am very into numbering everything...the boys beds, the stair steps, etc. I guess numbering is just an offshoot of monogramming?