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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Self Image

"What am I going to wear?" keeps racing through my head. I thought our newly planned trip to Los Angeles to attend my friend's wedding was a brilliant idea until I remembered that I am still 18 pounds heavier than when we left. Unfortunately, I am not quite the fashionista I used to be either! Having 2 babies in 3 years has seemingly forever altered my body size. My ability to shop around for new clothing is not the same either! The last thing I want all of my friends in L.A. to think upon our return is, "What on earth happened to her?" I know it is vain. I cannot help it. Yes, I am THAT insecure about the way I look right now. Please don't judge me.

I have 28 days to rectify the situation! Here is my current strategy:
1. Go to the gym 6 out of 7 days per week for the next 4 weeks working out 2 hours per session.. That's what Gwyneth Paltrow does for her great body. Yes, I watch Oprah.
2. Lose 2 pounds per week, 8 pounds lighter than I am right now.
3. Buy the current In Style Magazine and "get a clue" by reading up.
4. Don't pack anything I own (except maybe a pair of shoes)! Hit the first cheap sidewalk boutique I see in Santa Monica after we leave the airport and purchase a few fashionable items to get me through the week.
5. Get back to using my facial system regularly so my skin has a "glow".

What is it they warn you about being a stay-at-home-mom? "Just don't let yourself go...."
Myself "went" a while ago. I am TRYING to get her back. Maybe botox would help.


Brandy said...

wel, if it helps at all i consider the "you", you have become one of my best friends! i think you look great and your energy makes up for any extra "you", you feel that you are carrying around! but the instyle is good this month and i think your plan sounds great!

laurel said...

Have you ever checked out Gwyneth's website, Goop? It is pretty cool and has some great tips on health and wellness, fashion, etc. you might like it!