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Friday, February 27, 2009


Apparently the bad economy is truly affecting EVERYTHING in our lives. I was just watching the news and learned that DIVORCE RATES are dropping. Are you kidding me? The reason? People cannot AFFORD to divorce because they cannot sell their homes. Wow! I did not see that coming. They were interviewing couples who are coexisting in the same home until they can afford to divorce.
I know there are definately legitimate cases for divorce, and if you are going through that pain, I am so sorry! I also believe, in general, our nation tends to dive headfirst toward divorce when problems arise . "The grass is always greener"attitude instead of realizing you may be trading one set of problems for another. I pray that some of these couples who are forced to "wait" to divorce might find reconciliation with each other before it is too late.
It is weird, but as bad and scary our current economy is, I keep feeling it is having positive affects as well. Maybe not on our pocket books, but maybe on our spirit! I know it has made me think about what is really important in life! Our heads know, but our hearts don't always believe that materialism really does not bring happiness. That is something I have learned in the last 3 years of not working and not having anything I wanted at my fingertips! In many ways, I am much happier now. By the way, I learned the term for reformed fashionistas. Apparently, I am a "Recessionista". Love it!
So, here's to the recession! Let it work on our hearts and make us better people! So tell me, what do you think? Is the recession changing your outlook on life at all? Are you staying with a man you can't stand simply because you cannot afford to leave him? Is it helping or hurting your spirit? I want to hear.


Shell in your Pocket said...

That is one crazy statistic...I hope these people who are being forced to stay in a marriage are finding ways to make it "happy", too!

I would say the recession has made me look at things differently...from our needs all the way to our involvement in politics!
~Sandy Toes
Thanks for visiting today!

Anonymous said...

I've often thought that divorce is too much of an easy out for some folks. Just when some are ready to thow their hands up and give up...they should be rolling their sleeves up and working hard to keep their marriage together. Which by the way, would probably include seeking God's will. I think all married couples should see the movie "Fireproof." What an amazing movie that many couples can relate to.