I, for one, would just love to get a hold of her hair. Her wardrobe may be perfect and cost $1000 per item, but how about a little decor for her head?
One way the south definately differs from the two other places I have lived (Michigan and California) is the love of the Hair Bow! As southern tradition would have it, a little girl's head needs to be properly decorated and for some babies it starts particularly young. I personally fell in love with the hair bow concept when our nurses in postpartum were obsessed with making little bows and gluing them to Natalie's head. One nurse seriously made me 12 different hair bows in different colors and sent me home with lubricating jelly to apply them to her head. Yes, we started extremely young.
The craze continued from there when we received this headband bow as a gift from one of our friends. I literally wanted her to wear it EVERY day! To me, she looked like a little present that had been dropped on our doorstep. Or maybe she looked like a wedding cake, so perfectly decorated. I had to have more! It worked particularly well with her monogrammed clothing and bibs!
There was no end to the possibilities with her wardrobe. Soon, I was ordering all different colors of bows and headbands from this Etsy dealer. Here I am a yankee, creating my own little Georgia Peach.
She was a trooper and never fussed about her bows. As my brother-in-law said at Christmas, "I don't think I have seen that baby without a bow on her head since the first time I met her!" I am not sure he was complimenting us, but more seemed a little puzzled about WHY we would do this to our baby.
My mother never said anything. She would just promptly REMOVE the headband bow when she was holding Natalie and then tell me that Natalie seemed a little "uncomfortable" with it. That was fine with me. Not to be swayed, I just put it right back on!
There was the occasional carride where I would look in the review mirror into her little carseat mirror only to realize she had pulled the headband over her eyes and the bow was protruding from her FACE instead of her head! I do admit, I did feel a little bad about that. I mean, what had she been doing back there? I could just picture her pulling the band really far out and then snapping the bow to her face. Sometimes, I proactively removed the bow for carrides.
We have now graduated to clipping her bangs with the bows we have removed from the headbands. She is fascinated with her bows. She pulls them out, chews on them, and then tries to put them back in her hair. She hasn't quite mastered the clip though. We will get there soon, I am sure!
I admit, have wondered if I would look as cute in a hair bow as my daughter does? I mean, with her, it seems to cover any multitude of wardrobe flaws. Would it do the same for me? Then I watched American Idol last night and one of the contestents who has had obvious wardrobe issues told Simon that she was the girl who had terrible issues with style and did things like wore hairbows and leggings. I guess that answers that!
It should definately be reserved for our little girls, but here's to this southern treasure I am so thankful to have been introduced to. The delightful hair bow!
I often wonder why grown girls (like us Moms) are not allowed to wear bows. I wore bows a lot growing up; even in college I would tie my pony tail with a ribbon. It made me look much cuter:) So, now, when I really need an extra dose of "cuteage," why can't I just put in a big bow?!!??!
I, like Louise, must surely be from the South b/c I tied ribbons in my hair all through college too(and of course in highschool, as well) In fact, I had a big rubbermaid container full of all kinds of ribbon. Maybe we should start a new trend....
My husband comes from a huge southern family...a girl is almost considered "naked" without that big bow and a cup of sweet tea in the other hand...
sandy toe
That's funny that you wrote a post about bows for baby girls! I was just thinking about putting bows on my baby girl. I couldn't find any good ones at Babys-r-us and wondered where to find nice big ones.
I am the grateful etsian mentioned in Angela's post. I must admit that even though big bows are often considered a southern thing, and I do ship a lot of big bows to Texas, I was surprised that I have a ton of bow customers living in California!
I truly believe that each baby is a blessing from above and perfectly precious as they are, but a baby girl wearing a bow is extra special! I'm glad I could help accessorize your beautiful girl, and for all you moms that have remarked on wanting to wear bows yourself - I can relate! :)
Thanks again Angela for the mention of my shop! Keep up the blogging! It's a great read!
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