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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pearly Whites

Do you floss?

"You have the most beautiful teeth!" commented Donna, my lovely dental hygenist as she finished scraping the last bit of who knows what off my teeth this morning.
"Thank you! I keep thinking I want veneers because of the white spots." (a suggestion of my sister's when I was home last.)
"Oh, you hardly notice those, sweetie. You were blessed with great teeth!"
"What about the fracture lines you noticed last time? Do I need a bite splint?" I have been grinding, chewing, clenching my teeth at night for who knows how long.
"A bite splint could only help you. Let's ask the dentist."
He came in, "Perfect teeth! A bite splint? I thought you already had one?"
"I did. I lost it."
"What type of splint was it?"
"I don't know. I never wore it. And then my husband accidently threw it out when we moved"
"Well, I recommend that if you get another one, that you start by wearing it!" He grinned.
Perfect dental check-up, as usual. I left feeling guilty. No reprimanding me for not flossing ONCE since my last appointment. They didn't even notice. No notice of the fact that I didn't brush last night (or many other nights) after eating popcorn. How disgusting. I am sure there had to be a few kernals lodged in my gums. But, no. "Perfect" was the response I received.
I called my husband on the way home.
"I need a bite splint but it is going to cost $430.00 and insurance doesn't cover it!"
"How about you just go to walmart and buy a mouthgard that you boil on the stove and bite into? That should protect your teeth while you sleep."
Great suggestion. I was annoyed.
"How about you have your root canal done in a back alley somewhere?"
Yes, I said root canal. They keep threatening that he might need one. He takes PERFECT care of his teeth. Brushes, flosses, rinses constantly. He is convinced my teeth are going to rot out of my head. But "perfect" is all I ever hear. Good genes I guess. I am not complaining. But I do sort of want veneers to cover the white spots. Is that vain? And I do need a bite splint for my TMJ. I just need to not lose it this time around! And I promise to start flossing everyday like a good girl!


Laura Hooker said...

I am not a flosser and never have been...I think genes had A LOT to do with it! Hang in there!

Brandy said...

HAHAHAHA, Didn't brush after poopcorn ha? That really cracks me up!

Brandy said...

poopcorn, hahah, i mean popcorn

laurel said...

I use Donna too. She is so sweet. She and my mom used to play basketball together when I was just a twinkle in my daddy's eye. LOL
I definitely think it is genetics. I almost never floss and have never had a cavity. My mom takes perfect care of her teeth and has had many. I think some people just have good enamel and some don't.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am going to be the vain friend that will tell you no, it isn't vain to want veneers. I have always been told that I have nice teeth too(although my parents paid lots of money to get them looking decent!) and I have always wanted absolutely perfectly filed, sparkling, blinding white teeth. I actually bleached them for my wedding, but it has all faded. I keep telling Sammy that when I get a chance when I am not pregnant or nursing, I am going to bleach these babies again! Here is to sparkly, perfect teeth!!

Anonymous said...

Ang, I didn't know we had so much in common! I too have never had a cavity or any dental work. I too have TMJ and never wear my bite guard (although I haven't lost it yet... Wait- where did I put it last?) --Karen Gill

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think he should have his root canal done in a back alley. Well played.

Loren said...

I agree about having good teeth genes. I have no cavities and I recently turned 29 for the 5th time. My teeth are always perfect, whereas my husband's visits pay for the dentist's summer residence in the Swiss Alps.