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Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Glories of Small Town Living

I never thought I'd admit it, but today was one of those days where I truly appreciated living in a small town. This morning we decided to try out the local farmers market that started here last summer. One of my new resolutions is to try to support local organic farmers. It just doesn't get any better than that! Anyway, within about 3 minutes of being there we saw about 5 of my peeps all separately doing their thing, and we saw a few of my husband's friends as well. It was pretty funny, but I really liked it. It made me feel a part of things. That often happens to me here whether it be at the gym, the supermarket, the post-office. It is really nice to have people to say hello to along the way of running my errands.
I always thought when I lived in L.A. that I really enjoyed the anonymity of it. Occasionally I would run into someone I knew, but so rarely. There were always people around you, but everyone was minding their own business and just doing their own thing. I was used to the feeling of privacy that provided. A celebrity could walk by and half the time I wouldn't realize it. For real. One time Paula Abdul almost knocked me over coming out of a bathroom when I was 9 months pregnant. She grabbed my arm and apologized. I still didn't realize it was her until I got back to the table and was informed by my husband that it was her.
Here it takes about 12 hours for a rumor to spread and everyone knows everyone else's business. I have to admit I am a little afraid of that, but, so far, it hasn't bitten me yet! KNOCK ON WOOD. The flip-side of that is that when you are truly in need, people are aware and jump in to help. So, here's to small town living. I am growing to love it which is actually shocking to me!


Anonymous said...

Shhhh, don't tell...but I am too!

Louise Todd said...

I love it! Small towns are the best. I knew you and Alyssa could be converted:) I wasn't with him on Saturday, but Sam saw you and Tom too. He was at the bank, so he was too far away to say hello. i'll just call you Ms Popularity!

Amy Wenzel said...

I'm so jealous you live in a small town and have all those friends! It's like Anne of Green Gables or something! Sigh. I wish I was a farmer.

Brandy said...

ha, i really love it too.

Loren said...

I live in a small town, in some respects. There are clusters of people who know each other through going to the same church, or through their children's school. It's nice, what you describe. There is another side to my town that is very transient, and there is also a language gap. That makes it a bit urban too. I think you mentioned that you may be moving into a house. If I am right, I'd love to learn more about your new house when that happens! Best wishes, Loren

Anonymous said...

small town life. hmm...i am learning to love it again. i have come to appreciate the support system of a small town. it is kind of nice!