The other day while driving Will to his 2 year old tumbling class it occured to me that I was about to interact with a bunch of other moms, and I looked like I usually look at 5 pm after a long day of kids pulling my hair, drooling on me, wiping their noses on my shirt. I was disheveled to say the least! I did what every woman does when they look in the review mirror and realize they are as pale and worn out looking as their husband's oldest t-shirt. I pulled out lipstick. I didn't REALLY pay attention to the color nor did I look in the mirror while applying.
At some point during the drive, I looked back at Will. He gasped audibly and said, "Lookit Mommy!!! I LOVE your pink face!" I looked at myself in the mirror to realize that my flourescent pink lips were indeed making quite a statement against my pale unmade-up face. Emergency! Blotting tissue pllleeease!
Ha,I usually pinch my cheeks
That is too funny! -Jessica
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