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Friday, February 20, 2009

Scrounging for Food

Have you ever gone hungry? I never have by necessity, just as a self-imposed get thin quick scheme. That could change, folks. I was informed this morning by my sweet husband that after entering in all our receipts we only have $60.00 left for the month. OH MY GOSH. How on earth am I going to do that?? I started panicking at first. Seriously guys, how will I feed my family for the next week on $60.00? I am creative, but not THAT good! Then the clincher. "Oh, and don't forget you need to fill up your gas tank today." My GAS TANK? That is a $30.00 purchase right there. That leaves us $30.00 for food??? $30.00!!! I could spend that much in the dairy department alone! I've been racking my brain all day. I have had a few encouraging thoughts:

1. Will has been refusing to eat since he has been sick, so maybe I just work with that instead of fighting it! I will only feed him if he actually SAYS he is HUNGRY. The past few days when he says he will eat something, I naively make it and watch him play with it for an hour. Then he usually "accidently" knocks the plate all over my kitchen floor, so he doesn't have to eat it. No more! He will have to BEG FOR FOOD. That way I will know he is really hungry and will actually eat.

2. I have a whole diet plan laid out for myself, so I shouldn't require much to eat right? If I eat lettuce for a week it would be a great jump start on my 28 day diet plan! Oh, wait...lettuce might be too expensive!

3. I have a freezer full of chicken I just need to get creative with. "Sorry Tom. I know you said last week you are really sick of chicken...but here you go sweetie! Chicken for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Yummy!" "Oh, and Sorry, no dessert tonight! You are on a diet!"

Thankfully I do have a pretty full pantry right now, so maybe I can come up with a few more meal ideas and my current menu will get us until Monday. If all else fails, I will raid our coin jar! I do love a challenge, so let's see if I can actually make this work and not have to dip into our emergency savings. That would be really cool!
Looks like I will be shopping at the discount food store and save-a-lot until March 1st.


John Leavell said...

Angie...I feel your pain......check out this website started by two women in your part of the has saved us a ton of money, and made budgeting more fun! Love your new blog, encouraging! Hope you are well? Jenn (Gozdan) Leavell

Brandy said...

I know you can do it! I've done a week on $12.00, you just have to prioritize, string cheese and Haydn's fruit bars are out and only nesecities are in!

laurel said...

You can totally do it!!! Brandy and I have been there, and the challenge aspect can be really fun!! Goooooooooo Angela!!!