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Friday, March 13, 2009

Morning Cup a Joe

Is there anything in your life that is WORTH the fight every single day?

"How many cups of coffee did you have this morning?" I asked my husband as I felt the last drip slide out of the pot into my first cup.
"Three. Why?"
"Because this is my FIRST cup!"
"Well, that's because you use that HUGE cup!"
Tom boycotts my huge cup. He sweetly pours my coffee just about every morning, but very rarely will he give me the "huge" cup I like. He claims I steal all the coffee that way.
Yes, we fight over coffee. MmmmHmmm. You heard me. Coffee! It all started when I was pregnant and could not have caffeine. We made half-decaf every morning, and I allowed myself a cup and a half. My husband had the other 3 cups in the pot. Now,Tom fully believes he will always be entitled to his 3 cups, and I firmly believe that all bets are off now that I AM NOT PREGNANT ANYMORE!

In fact, since coffee technically makes me a better mother to his children, shouldn't I be entitled to the three cups?

I know what you're thinking. Why not just make a second pot? That would seem like a compromise, I suppose, but I hate cleaning out the coffee pot. All those grounds everywhere. I also feel incredibly guilty when I make a second pot of coffee in the morning. I mean, how bad of a coffee junkie am I that I need to make a second pot just for myself? How supercharged or superstressed do I really need to be in the morning? Well, with the lack of sleep from getting up with 2 children, I feel I need a jolt in the morning, and I do have a sense of entitlement when it comes to coffee.
I developed my love for coffee from my mother. She romanticised having coffee. It was comforting to come home to the coffee brewing in the afternoon. My grandmothers house is the same way. Her house just smells like coffee. Still, when I go home for a visit, there is nothing better than sitting in the living room lazyboys sipping coffee while chatting with my mom. Coffee feels like family to me.
A few of my friends have said, "Coffee just tastes better at your house." Maybe they sense my love affair with coffee. I mean for a whole year I ordered coffee from Pete's Coffee in California just because it was my FAVORITE. I wanted my house to feel comforting like a coffee shop. I'm surprise I didn't get up and bake biscotti every morning or something. Finally, I decided it was an expensive habit I needed to break, when I could buy Starbucks at Sams Club for half the price. I still miss my Pete's!
I make my coffee incredibly strong which I think makes it taste better. My dad won't drink it if I make it. It's the only way I like it. And I guess my friends like it too!

So, don't ya think my husband should surrender one of his cups of coffee in the morning? Or since he has to go to work all day, should I just surrender and make more when he leaves?


Anonymous said...

I would say to get a bigger coffee pot, but that would probably mean that he would just drink even more. What you need is a Nissan Thermos travel mug. It will keep your coffee hot for like 8 hours. As soon as the coffee is brewed, put a cup in your mug, then at least he can't drink it all before you get any. You wonder why I have so many suggestions for this problem? It is not because I have sat here thinking about it- it is because my husband and I have similar coffee issues.
It is a BIG deal in our house. It is an indication of my true love for my husband that I don't steal all of the coffee from him. In our situation, it is his fault that I love coffee anyhow- I never drank it until he introduced it to me. Anyhow, it is our one vice. We don't drink or smoke. But, we LOVE our coffee. The proper cup of morning coffee can truly make or break the day.
As I sit here, commenting on your blog, I am sipping my morning brew. I am content. --Karen Gill

Shell in your Pocket said...

Okay...first I love that cupcake shirt...could that be any cuter? I have done shirts with their "age" on a big "6". But, cupcakes are much better.

I guess make another pot...then you can have MORE coffee when he leaves~ I go from hot coffee in the morning to "ice" coffee in the afternoon;).
sandy toe

Angela said...

Great Ideas girls! I love the iced coffee in the afternoon idea! Why didn't I think of it? I'll just make a second pot and save some for later. Karen, the thermos mug is so hilarious...and mean. Oooh, you little vicious woman. I love it! LOL

Brandy said...

This is an interesting debate, Houston does not drink coffee! I say be the servant and make more once he is gone!

Loren said...

I say he should bring back southern gentility and give you the last cup. :) I drink tea and have a cool separate automatic tea pot.

Loren said...

Hi Angela,
Thank you for visiting me and for the really nice comments. Sounds like we're similiar in a lot of ways, from what I've been reading on your blog. Your kids are beautiful! Sounds like you know exactly what I meant by my struggle to figure out my new role. Best Wishes!

Anonymous said...

Mike and I are laughing as we sit and drink our morning coffee. Mike of course has the big coffee mug that he stole from me and has claimed as his own personal mug from now and forever more. We agree that since Tom has to go to work and doesn't have access to the home brewed coffee that you should be sacrificial and allow him to have the 3 cups and make more coffee when he leaves.