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Monday, March 2, 2009

Workout Update

Have you ever felt THIS good?

Workouts have become so intoxicating lately that after I am done I am euphoric and convinced that if I look in the mirror partially naked, surely I will look like a supermodel on the front of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition! I guess the endorphins really do a good job at lifting my spirits and making me delusional. Maybe I should do a swimsuit photoshoot for a reality check.

I worked out this morning, took a shower, and felt on top of the world. I decided to wear a black sweater today that is still a little too small for me (for it is a Size Small!). I tried it on, recognized that it was hestitatingly covering my midriff, and decided to go for it anyway because I was so excited that I could actually squeeze into it. This is a sweater that I have not worn since before I became pregnant with Will, my first child. It felt like a major accomplishment even though it would definately look better on me when the love handles are actually gone, not just diminished. Oh well! I wore it proudly and just hoped that it wasn't TOO obvious that I was slightly poured into it. Plus, it was really, really cold here today and a turtleneck sweater just sounded appealing (minus the wind around my belly when the sweater crept up).

I forgot to mention that I did lose my 2 pounds last week and am on to week number 2 of my 28 day challenge! Next weigh in will be Thursday. Cross your fingers for me.


Shell in your Pocket said...

Great job...I jazzercise...sometimes all that sweat and jumping around to Britany Spears almost convinces me that I lost 10 pounds. But, not! Exercising does give that extra boost of energy and accomplishment each day until you drive thru Starbucks and order a large mocha with whip...
sandy toe

laurel said...

Good for you!!! I agree, there is definitely a high that comes with working out! That is why I love to exercise early in the gives me a physical and mental boost that propels me through the day! I can't wait to hear how week two goes for you!!

The Blonde Duck said...

Congrats! I know they'll keep sliding off for you!